Marine Engine & Drive Repair
Full service repair including diagnostics, troubleshooting, service and repair of all types of marine engines. Gas and diesel engines, stern drive, fuel and lubrication systems, ignition systems, wiring and electrical, computer systems, etc. Repair, rebuild, replace as required. Genuine OEM parts.
Regularly scheduled maintenance following industry best practices and manufacturers’ published maintenance guides. Lubrication, oil and filter replacements, fuel filter replacements, injector deanings, check water separators, cooling system service, air filter and intake maintenance, exhaust system inspection, valve and head inspection emission system, diagnostics, mechanical system inspection, computer diagnostics. Designed to improve performance, reduce emissions, protect from costly repairs.

Marine Surveying
Detailed inspection and assessment of vessel condition in preparation for sale or purpose of a pre-owned boat. Examine hull, machinery, accessories, running gear and mechanical condition. Along with a detailed report and recommendations.

Land-based Generators
Full service repair including diagnostics, troubleshooting, service and repair of all types of Land-based generators.